Hackathon has ended.
Collectivate is an attemtp to build a pro bono collective of professionals (developers, designers, consultants) here to help charitable organizations, non-profits, or people-in-need. Or, conversely, a place for charitable organizations and non-profits to get the help they often can't afford.
Collectivate allows people with skills to create a profile, list their aforementioned skills, and set a number of hours per month or within a set period of time that they can make themselves available. They can then browse open opportunities organizations have posted, or wait for an organization to approach them with an opportunity and begin working together.
It's Indeed (dot com) without the greed.
Collectivate allows people with skills to create a profile, list their aforementioned skills, and set a number of hours per month or within a set period of time that they can make themselves available. They can then browse open opportunities organizations have posted, or wait for an organization to approach them with an opportunity and begin working together.
It's Indeed (dot com) without the greed.
Swiftkick Web
Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Built with:
Nothing fancy. Rails 7, devise & pundit, postgres, bootstrap.
Application Screenshots