Hackathon has ended.



New programmers joining the tech world are often contfrontend with a lot of conflicting advice, rules or hot takes. Some Rails specific examples:

  • "Don't use default_scope!"
  • "Don't use ActiveRecord callbacks"

When I started out, a lot of this advice confused me and made me unsure if what I'm doing is bad or incorrect.

The basic idea behind hottakes.tech is to collect different hot takes with the community, collect background information about a hot take, pro and contra arguments. This way new programmers can learn to decide for themselves whether they want to follow specific advice or not. My goal would be, that the site kind of defuses hot takes and basically shows that most of things have good and bad sides and how to argue for certain decisions on a technical basis.

Also, hot takes are fun :)

Features that I'd like to add in the future:

* Comments for hot takes
* Maybe group hot takes by technology (rails/js/...)
* Social buttons to share hot takes on Twitter



Built with:

It's basically a super simple Rails app.

* Rails with Hotwire
* Deployed with Heroku + Cloudflare
* Detailed explanations are generated with OpenAI
* TailwindCSS with some TailwindUI components
10 votes