"Empowering developers with over 175,000 supported gems, GemSentinel keeps you in the know about the latest updates and features!"
Create an account, make a 'bundle list' on your console, stick it on the app, and I promise you'll be up to date on the latest features and changes to the gems you use in your projects. You will be informed of the new versions available and will have an overview as well as the link where you can access the complete changelog. Obviously you remain the sole master of the game, and it is you who decide to update them or not! Plus we have a nice logo
API: RESTful endpoints for data retrieval and creation
Databse: PostgreSQL for the robust and reliable database management.
Scheduled Tasks: Rubyscripts programmed in a cron table for regular updates
User Authentication: Devise gem for login functionality
JSX Transpiler: Babel for translating JSX code
Icons: Font Awesome integrated with React using Yarn
Service-Oriented Approach: Complex logic organized into services
Production Hosting: Digital Ocean managed by Hatchbox for reliable deployment and management
With this tech stack, we've created GemSentinel, an efficient application that keeps you up-to-date with the latest updates and features of the gems you use in your projects!