Hackathon has ended.
Introducing gem.sh: Empowering the Ruby Ecosystem
Welcome to the future of documentation for all Ruby gems! gem.sh is the cutting-edge documentation hub designed to revolutionize the way you interact with your favorite gems. gem.sh statically analyzes and parses your favorite gems on the fly to provide annotated code, navigation, and documentation in a nice package.
gem.sh is meant to supersede a smattering of different documentation sites, community hubs, and gem webpages, by providing a single place to host references, docs, guides, and community links such as videos, comments, and articles about a gem.
The design of gem.sh is flexible, which gives us room to add features such as custom stylesheets for generated documentation. We hope to authenticate with RubyGems.org in the future, so that gem owners can add and edit community notes, articles, and lists themselves, without needing to make a separate account.
Awesome Docs

Built with:
* Ruby on Rails
* TailwindCSS
* Utopia
* Stimulus
* Turbo
* ESBuild
* SyntaxTree - Static code-analysis of the gems
* Redcarpet - Markdown rendering
* RDoc - parsing method documentation
* Ruby on Rails
* TailwindCSS
* Utopia
* Stimulus
* Turbo
* ESBuild
* SyntaxTree - Static code-analysis of the gems
* Redcarpet - Markdown rendering
* RDoc - parsing method documentation
Application Screenshots