Hackathon has ended.


A Rails engine that simplifies the exploration of Legacy Apps using class diagrams. When the engine is mounted to an app, the user can to the URL /app_diag to view the program's ruby source files in a files tree. The class diagram of the class inside the file, along with all of its ancestors (classes | modules), are displayed to the user when they click on a file. The user should get attributes and methods of the class/module, and other details when they click on a class or module, which should help them get a sense of how the app is organized.
Reflection is used to obtain the relationships between the models for the application models. But, I didn't get ot do it.

When the user click on a method on the right side, the source of a method should be displayed at the bottom. Didn't get to do that too.
The Next Step for this engine is to provide a way to generate Sequence diagrams. Not sure how to do that for now, but got some ideas.


West Central Africa

Built with:

Rails Engine
Turbo Rails

Application Screenshots

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