Hackathon has ended.


Not close to finishing, but had a lot of fun! 🎉 Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

What it was supposed to be:
SpeakerTools was supposed to be a collection of a few tools for public speaking (timer, audience polls, etc).

What's working:
  • creating / editing a "toolbox" for a presentation
  • adding (& editing) audience poll questions to the presentation (be sure to ✓ check the "live polls" checkbox to access this feature)
  • generating a separate link for audience

Hotwire features:
  • Stimulus "sprinkles" like copy-to-clipboard, toggles, and a couple subtle scroll animations
  • Turbo Frames to handle the modal for creating/editing a poll question and listing polls on presentation page
  • Turbo Streams to broadcast poll changes to audience page [broken]

Just a heads up:
I didn't get to many of the Hotwire features I had planned 🤦‍♂️ (so it might not be too interesting), but you might be able to see where it was headed!

A few other warnings:
  • the practice/start feature isn't set up, and there's a few other placeholder buttons on the audience page
  • didn't start on the desktop layouts, mobile-only so far
  • only tested on linux/android (might be a little wonky on different devices)
  • lots of spaghetti lol

What went wrong?
This was my first hackathon experience - learned a lot of lessons, but had fun doing it!

What I'll try next time:
  • get set on an idea before starting
  • build out the core features -> then design -> then bonus features
  • and maybe don't attempt while recovering from covid lol


Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Built with:

Rails / Hotwire
I got carried away trying to do things from scratch (and not doing them well lol)

** the screenshots below are in reverse order **

Application Screenshots

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