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Checkpoint Rails: Debugging for Rails Made Easy
Checkpoint Rails is a rolling, checkpoint debugger for Rails. It records all of the critical method calls within your app, along with their important context (param/argument/return/local variable values).
You no longer need to debug with binding.pry or puts statements, as the entire callstack for a given request is captured.
You no longer need to debug with binding.pry or puts statements, as the entire callstack for a given request is captured.
Team Jim Jones
Central Time (US & Canada)

Built with:
checkpoint-rails is a Rails engine. It's available as a gem to install within your own applications.
It utilizes Ruby's TracePoint class for the tracking of method call/returns.
TracePoint is enabled/disabled via the Active Support Instrumentation callbacks, start_processing.action_controller and process_action.action_controller.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
It utilizes Ruby's TracePoint class for the tracking of method call/returns.
TracePoint is enabled/disabled via the Active Support Instrumentation callbacks, start_processing.action_controller and process_action.action_controller.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "checkpoint-rails"
Add the following to your routes file
if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? mount Checkpoint::Rails::Engine, at: "/checkpoint" end
And then execute:
$ bundle
In development, open http://localhost:3000/checkpoint/ in a separate tab to observe the live call stack.
Application Screenshots